We facilitate highly engaging workshops and meetings

in-person, remote or hybrid

ISD Workshop, Ottawa

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In my 30+ years of experience, Cogentus facilitated the most effective brain-storming session I have attended. It was challenging and produced viable future considerations for a major interdisciplinary initiative. Excellent use of time and expertise!
— Erroll Southers, international expert in transportation security and counterterrorism. Special Agent FBI.
Really enjoyable. Loved the presentations followed by RICHER conversations.
— Mike Pigott. Director of Waste Operations and Sites. NWS.
Good facilitation. Appreciate level of engagement for the participants.
— Kristin Ellis. Director, Office of Regulatory, Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Engagement. US DOE.


Many decisions are complex because they are expected to meet multiple decision objectives while being affordable within the context of unknown and changing budgets. We develop robust decision analysis models to assist decision makers through a range of alternatives utilizing mathematical modelling to account for relevant constraints, preferences and budget uncertainties.

Portfolio Decision Model (multiple combinations of projects or options)

Evaluation or Analysis of Alternatives (choosing the “best” option)

Nuclear Clean Up Support

We provide professional support and advice to a range of clients in the nuclear industry. Recent engagements include:

  • Aging Infrastructure / Asset Management

  • In-Situ Decommissioning

  • Near Surface Disposal

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Technology Development (horizon scanning, roadmap development, optioneering, tech transfer, TRLs)